Americans now suffer from serious pandemic disease >> << associated with immune system disorders. Popular
these diseases and the most lethal is AIDS, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
. While the disease has shown that many extraordinary opportunities for infectious diseases >> <<, it can nevertheless be understood as a viral infection of sexually transmitted >>. << Much more common, though not so deadly, a variety of other >> << immune system related conditions that are not infectious and there
in the absence of any specific reasons microorganisms. These include asthma, food allergy and
pollen, mold, dust and chemical allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome
fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, eczema and atopic dermatitis
, multiple sclerosis, lupus erythematosus the first type of diabetes, and
a number of other conditions including chronic arterial inflammation
, considered more important causal factor in heart attacks and strokes
than cholesterol. While the symptoms of the condition
huge differences, all these conditions have one thing in common: all >> << are the result of the immune system incorrectly targeting the enemy. Instead
keeping them ill attack (inflammation) of hazardous microorganisms
, that really threaten our lives, white blood cells and cellular battle chemicals
immune system limited us in vain attack or
to harmless pollen or food proteins, or at the very cells of our
own body. There can be little doubt >> << that our bodies are attacked every day from a wide range of chemicals >> << that did not exist at all in the last million years of our evolution as
kind. Chemical pesticides, fertilizers, genetically modified
DNA, antibiotics and hormones come industrially raised animals
present in almost all foods that we eat. In addition, processed foods
contain such toxic additives, sugar, artificial flavorings, colorings, preservatives and
. Try as we can eat organic is very difficult
, to protect themselves fully from these supplements. Even how we
processing and storage of food is toxic chemicals and changes
vitamins and proteins in food. Pans in hot oil and use transfatty
acids in processed foods like margarine just a few examples of the
. In addition, the air we breathe and water we drink contaminated
countless chemicals. Absolutely regardless of human activity,
natural world is filled with forms, mildew, bacteria and other substances
having toxic properties. Of course, I recommend that we do our best
remove these elements from our lives. But often the reaction of our body
these chemicals are not in proportion to the real dangers they pose
. In this case, doctors say that we are "allergic"
to these substances. These allergic reactions may incapacitate us >> << much more efficiently than the substances themselves could
do in small doses to which we tend. Doctors knew for years that chronic stress in our lives >> << can cause a wide range of immune system disorders, including asthma, allergies
, psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. They do not always explain the
to their patients, which processes cause the normal stress of everyday life >> << become a disease. They show us how we can deal more
effective stress in our lives, to eliminate these processes >> << and symptoms that result from them. You will learn in this article >> << as stress is an internal malfunction in the immune system, and as
through hypnosis we can stop this dangerous process and thereby heal our immune response >> < <system. Our primitive ancestors, stress usually involved some deep physical threats that require quick and vigorous physical reaction. If attacked by a tiger, saber tooth, our body reacts with a strong dose of adrenaline from the adrenal glands that got our heart pumping, increase mental alertness, stopped digestion, and prepare us for fight or flight. With this action and other hormones, our bodies were ready for battle. Unfortunately, we feel stress usually does not require aggressive and energetic action. When the lease expired or mother in law has visit, you may have noticed that several rounds of screaming, hitting or running hardly effective solutions, no matter how good they could feel. Human immune system, like all mammals, programmed at birth biochemical signatures of microorganisms that represent a real danger to the health and specific antibodies of chemical needed to control them. New Baby also programmed so that food proteins are safe and which are pollen, mold, etc. are safe in the world lasix fluid pill of the child. This information helps the developing immune system of the newborn to adapt to the biochemical environment in which he was born. Thymus in children is very high compared with rudimentary appearance in the adult. It is the same as the heart of a child who is sitting nearby. Tasks thymus is a biochemical immune system of the child. After the first few months of life thymus gland begins to decrease, so obviously this process is developing most rapidly in the first months of life. The biggest help in this process comes from breast milk, or, more precisely, her colostrum, sticky clear fluid that precedes milk production. Scientists found that a clear liquid full of antibodies contain chemical signatures of microorganisms own immune system has learned to fight. I also believe that the chemical program can identify which products are harmless pollen, etc. You can safely trust the child. Thus, the child's immune system "learns" that is safe and what is not. .
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