Friday, February 24, 2012

When you straighten

Osteoporosis - porous, fragile bones >> << that break easily, often leads

in hip fractures and slouch called widows hump

- occurs in epidemics in the U.S. For those

who is affected, it can be painful, disfiguring and debilitating

. I. How to prevent osteoporosis

Prevention requires a combination of diet, exercise, and / or drugs. Nutrition:

Proper nutrition is very important. You must have enough calcium

bone collection, and vitamin D, which helps calcium absorption. (Learn more) Exercise:

exercises should be part of your daily routine to prevent osteoporosis >>. << The best exercises are those that are >> << muscles more than they will work normally. Activities such as weight lifting >> <<, walking, dancing, climbing, aerobics, jogging

hiking and tennis are effective at building bone. Exercise also affects the hormones that control bone remodeling,

, shifting the balance towards the formation of new bone. (Learn more

in.) >> << Treatment:

Most of the available drugs - as well as estrogen therapy

in postmenopausal women - helps prevent bone loss. When bone mass increases, it is a result of >> << slowing down or stopping further bone loss. (Learn more

in.) >> << WHEN SHOULD BEGIN prevention?

Preventing osteoporosis should start early. Physical activity

in childhood is an important factor in the

peak bone mass. Studies have shown that exercise habits started

to 10 years continue throughout life. If you >> << teenager or young man, he can be

Difficult to imagine that poor nutrition today

exercise and lifestyle can lead to disability

your coming years. If you >> << menopause and you have not started

prevention, it is not too late to start. Not

wait until you are symptom - only symptom change. No

you at risk? This

It is important to learn. Osteoporosis is not just a problem >> << for postmenopausal women, a lifelong interest for everyone. While some people at greater risk than others, a life threatening condition >> << affects both men and women and crosses

ages (including children), ethnic groups and lifestyles. For

there is no sign, almost three-quarters of those with fragile bones

do not know about it. By

Sara Mix "I recently held a seminar in which 28-year old man,

slim, healthy man stood up and volunteered

information that he recently diagnosed with osteoporosis >> < <to scan bone density. Looking at it, it was impossible to say

. "Mixed describes the 15-year-old boy, athlete,

fighter, which was osteoporosis. IF YOU

do? Absolutely! Everyone should take osteoporosis seriously. Do you think

that any of these allegations relate to you? These statements

is not. No matter who you are,

history of your family, your dietary habits and lifestyle, you

can never assume that you can not get osteoporosis. No

, your bones become thinner and weaker? Osteoporosis

has no symptoms. You have no warning that the bone is quite weak >> << to destruction. But there is a sure way to know if you are in the

risk of fractures. Get a bone density test. If your doctor

does not offer, ask him. One

with the most accurate test is called Dara. It's painless,

takes only a few minutes, and almost 100% accuracy.emphysema information You know whether bone mass is normal or below normal. If she had, you must take action to stop bone loss and build

new bone as soon as possible before the weakened bone breaks. WHAT IS

osteopenia? Osteopenia >> << like a "mild case of osteoporosis." This means that bones

started to lose weight, but still the risk of infringement is

very little. Osteopenia is a warning that the bones depleted. If you do not stop bone loss, it will be even worse for

actual results to osteoporosis. II. ADVANCED Osteoporosis:


If you had one or more fractures ... if you are in pain ... If you have trouble breathing or digestion .. if you are short ... if you leaned

("hump widow"), you can be helped. You can stop the destructive bone

process and even add bone mass. Here's how:

1. Develop good posture body alignment exercises. When you straighten

body alignment, back pain released

breathing lasix generic and digestion improves, and you will be less

fall. If you have widow's hump, it will be somewhat reduced. You will become a little higher and better. 2. Make sure you get enough calcium and vitamin D. 3. Exercise. No matter how fragile may be, is safe >> << exercises from low level that can help create

particular bone. Some exercises

can really hurt if you have a decrease in bone mass. (See)

Any twisting or bending of the spine can cause compression fracture. When you do bending exercises, back bends or leans forward,

, and compress the spinal vertebrae, thereby increasing the risk

crushing or fracture when the spine was

dropped from osteoporosis. Do crunches, squats, straight leg raises

, toe true knee to the chest movements. Be especially careful

if you or your friends, senior,

involved in sports seating. Sitting >> << provisions greatest compression on the spine and compression fracture risk >> << increasing slope forward or what tribe

to the chest. Information

shown here is from two well-known authorities: Morris Notelovitz, MD, Ph.D., noted physician and

researcher who founded the clinic the first woman in the U.S.

<< and> > Sarah Mix, PT, physical therapist who specializes in treating >> << osteoporosis, postural problems, back

pain, weakened summer and mature athletes. Copyright

© 1998-2005 by Triad Communications, Inc All rights reserved. Information on this website is provided as general health

guidelines, not only as medical advice. Illustration >> << Reduction woman

© 1987

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